How Do Working Moms Stay Fit? Here’s How I Do It Naturally, and you can too!
Staying fit as a working mom is no easy task—especially when you’re managing the needs of three little ones (and if we’re counting my hubby, make that four).
Between taking care of the kids, juggling work, and tackling everything that needs doing around the house, it’s easy to feel like there’s no time left for exercise.
But here’s the thing: fitness doesn’t always have to be about hitting the gym or following a strict routine. Sometimes, it’s just about finding natural ways to move throughout your day and being a little more intentional about it.
For me, staying active is less about traditional workouts and more about weaving exercise into my daily life in ways that feel doable and fun. Here’s how I make it work and find joy in movement as a busy mom.
1. Track Your Fitness: Make Every Movement Count
One of the ways I stay on track is by using a fitness tracker to count my steps. Now, I get it—not everyone is into fitness trackers, and that’s okay!
Even if you just use your phone or a basic pedometer, having some way to measure your movement keeps you motivated and helps you see the bigger picture.
I aim for around 8,000 to 10,000 steps a day, but let’s be real—some days, hitting 5,000 is a win, and that’s perfectly okay!
The beauty of tracking steps is that it reminds me that every movement counts. Whether I’m vacuuming the living room, folding laundry, or chasing the kids around the backyard, it all adds up.
If you’re new to tracking, start with an achievable goal and build up from there. And don’t worry about getting all your steps at once.
The nice things about trackers is you can set goals, set timers, reminders, and work the challenge with others. You can use your phone and apps to do this as well, or Alexa.
March in place while cooking, take a few extra laps around the house while tidying up, or make a game out of it with your kids!
Pro Tip: If you want to have some fun while getting your steps in, try asking Alexa (or any voice assistant) to play “Kids Bop” or some kid-friendly tunes and have a 10-minute dance party with your little ones.
Trust me, they’ll love it, and you’ll get your heart rate up too. Plus, what’s more rewarding than seeing your kids’ faces light up while you all dance around the living room?
Benefits of Walking
Walking is truly one of the easiest and most accessible forms of exercise, especially for busy moms. Here are some perks:
• Heart Health: Walking is great for maintaining heart health, lowering blood pressure, and reducing the risk of heart disease.
• Stress Relief: It’s an effective way to manage stress and clear your mind, even if you can only squeeze in 10 minutes at a time.
• Zero Cost: It’s free! You don’t need a gym membership, special equipment, or even to leave your house.
If you’re looking for guided walking routines that you can do at home, I highly recommend checking out the Walk at Home YouTube channel.
They offer short and simple workouts that can be done in your living room, allowing you to squeeze in one to two miles of walking in just 10 to 20 minutes.
It’s perfect for when you don’t have time to leave the house but still want to get moving.
If you are anything like me with kids and an almost 2 month old (ready to get back into the swing of things). Strap him up or stroll him on a walk for 5-10 minutes outside it all adds up! Don’t let weather stop you they love the rain!

2. Utilize Local Resources: Gym with Childcare or Mommy and Me Classes
When I need a change of scenery, I make use of local resources like community centers or gyms that offer childcare.
There’s a gym nearby that provides childcare for up to two hours, which gives my husband and me some much-needed time to exercise together.
It’s not only a chance for me to get a workout in but also some quality “me time” while knowing my kids are in good hands.
If you don’t have a gym with childcare nearby, many local community centers or YMCAs offer similar programs. It’s worth checking out, even if you only manage to go once or twice a week.

Those sessions can really help reset your mood and energy levels. Another fantastic option is joining a local Mommy and Me classes . Not only do you get to stay active, but you can also bond with your little ones and meet other moms in the process.
Your local library is a great start for free classes for families and is the best kept secret! You can put them on your calendar. Also check out any resource centers. Do this while on maternity leave especially if you can!
3. Intentional Movement at Home: Make Exercise a Family Affair
I’ll be honest—most days, I don’t have time for long, structured workouts. But that doesn’t mean I can’t find ways to move intentionally. I carve out at least 15 minutes a day for some type of activity.
Sometimes it’s dancing, other times it’s a quick stretching session, or a workout I find on YouTube. The best part is that I can involve my kids; they love dancing along, and it makes it more enjoyable for everyone.
It’s amazing how much movement you can sneak in just by being intentional. For instance, I’ll do squats while folding laundry or take the stairs two at a time just to get my heart rate up.
On days when I don’t feel like doing a full workout, I make an effort to walk in place during the kids’ TV time or while I’m prepping meals.
Even if the exercise is casual or feels “unofficial,” it’s all beneficial. The key is to find movement that feels doable and fun so that it doesn’t feel like just another thing on your to-do list.
Wrap-Up: Just Keep Moving, Mama!
Staying fit as a working mom is all about making movement a natural part of your daily routine.
It’s not about being perfect or always getting in a full workout; it’s about finding joy in the small moments of activity and knowing that every little bit counts. And when it’s done treat yourself to a plant based smoothie!
So, turn up the music, dance like no one’s watching, and remember to celebrate every step (literally and figuratively). You’re doing great, mama—keep moving and make it work for you!
This is not intended to be medical advice but sharing of my experience and some ideas!
Take care of yourself Moma! 🤎🙏🏾
In-Home Walking Resources
1. Walk at Home YouTube Channel – Short guided walking routines to do right in your living room.
2. Fitness Blender – Free workout videos, including low-impact walking routines.
3. Jessica Smith TV – Walking and other family-friendly workout videos.
4. HASfit – Offers walking workouts along with other types of fitness videos.
These resources make it easy to stay active, even when you’re short on time or can’t leave the house.
Hey, working moms, what other things do you do to get exercise in? Share your tips in the comments below!